Leicester Away – Sept 1
No formal travel arrangements have been made, but a number are taking cars. If you would like to go then get in touch with Phil (corbett.philip2@googlemail.com) and he will try and help with arranging a lift.
Barnsley Away – Sept 15th
Obviously, this is a local game for most of us so think most will be going on the train. However, if you do require a lift let us know and we will try and help you sort something out.
Prior to the game, we plan on drinking at the Old No 7. Pub (http://www.oldno7barnsley.co.uk/) which is run by a Blackpool Fan and has recently been voted Barnsley CAMRA pub of the year.
Look forward to seeing as many of you as possible there!
Cardiff Away – Sept 29
This will be the first YS trip of the season. We are looking at putting on a mini bus and are gauging interest as to potential size. Please let Phil and I know if you would like to go. Once numbers are confirmed we will email again with times, prices etc.